Refund Policy

We at DigiDelhi have confidence in our wide range of services, products, and web solutions. DigiDelhi is known for its support and services; we don’t leave any space for quality services. All services and projects are handled by experienced and well-trained staff, ensuring no possibility of project/order cancellation, reversal, or dispute. However, any refund and service cancellation can be processed under the following conditions.


  • Customers can request to cancel their order with a particular reason within 7-10 days of the service agreement.
  • In any case, DigiDelhi will not entertain cancellations for services such as domain registration and domain name transfer.


  • Services offered by us have different plans of action to complete the task, thus the refund policy differs from one service to another.
  • Every service offered by us takes a different course of action to get accomplished from start to end, thus the refund policy differs from one service to another.
  • No refund is possible for the fee paid in the form of administrative fees or installation charges.
  • There is always a certain set of resources involved in achieving every milestone of a campaign. Thus, a refund will not be entertained for the work already completed.
  • Taxes paid on services levied by regulatory bodies will not be refunded with the fee refund.
  • No refund will be entertained if the service gets canceled due to any violation of terms stated in our Terms & Conditions section.
  • There is no refund policy for services placed under same-day delivery.
  • DigiDelhi is not liable to refund if delay or service disruption happens due to a change in the scope of work in the mid of the development phase or any third-party involvement.

If you require any further information or wish to request a refund, please contact us by writing an email to or calling us at +91 93535 33270.

We reserve the right to change, add, or modify this refund policy without any notice; it is advisable to check this page regularly.

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